Welcome to Xabo Network ID OAuth

This is the OAuth2.0 authorization and token management service for Xabo Network ID.

If you're a developer and want to integrate your application with Xabo Network ID, you can start by creating an application and requesting OAuth authorization.

Available OAuth Endpoints

  • Authorize Endpoint: /oauth/authorize - Use this to authorize an application.
  • Token Endpoint: /oauth/token - Use this to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
  • Resource Endpoint: /oauth/api/resource - Access user data with a valid access token.

How it works:

  1. First, the client application redirects the user to the `/oauth/authorize` endpoint for authorization.
  2. Once the user grants permission, an authorization code is returned to the client app.
  3. The client exchanges this code at the `/oauth/token` endpoint for an access token.
  4. With the access token, the client can request data from the `/oauth/api/resource` endpoint.

If you are new, register an account to create your first application. Once logged in, you can manage your applications from the developer panel.